Sharing my favourite products with you
I am a big believer in helping you optimise recovery by providing you with the tools to not only continue your treatment and exercise program at home but also, in our sessions you can expect to be encouraged to work on your health holistically.
Following postgraduate lifestyle medicine training with Dr Chatterjee I can also offer you advice to optimise your physical, mental and gut health.
With this in mind I have listed some of my favourite products and books to help you build your home tool kit! This page is a work in progress with videos and descriptions coming soon. In the mean time feel free to have a browse through my favourite things. If you have a specific health or injury concern and would like tailored advice as to what is best for you please do get in touch.
Rehabilitation Equipment
Massage at home
Hot / Cold therapy
Hormonal Health
Books for new Mums
Gut Health
Mental Health